Possibly my favorite form of disposal is acid. Contrary to popular belief Hydrofluoric acid, while very dangerous and destructive, doesn't actually do much of anything to human flesh what you really want is concentrated sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is best stored in glass but can also be stored easily in polyethylene plastics which it's often sold in. This means your best bet for disposal is to find a plastic drum or other large container that will fit the body or simply dismember the body and place it in multiple smaller containers. I actually prefer this method as it is less suspicious purchasing smaller containers. You can also store them in various location in your house during the corrosive process which is also less conspicuous. Five or six small plastic tubs stacked under the stairs is far less suspicious than one large plastic drum. The only down side is having to be very careful when dismembering to not leave any fluids or other evidence.

Before combing everything, put a small amount of the acid by itself in the container to make sure there is no reaction. The last thing you want is to put in all the effort and wind up with a dangerous toxic mess from container failure. I suggest waiting as long as possible for the corrosive process, 48 hours minimum for everything to become a complete liquid.

Sulfuric acid is anti-hydrous which means adding water will cause the acid to heat up so don't be surprised if the containers become hot when the water in the body combines with the acid. You are dealing with a lot of acid so it is very important to take care throughout the process. This also means disposal can be difficult if not done correctly


After a long enough period of time for the body to disintegrate, it will need to be disposed of. Keep in mind, you still have a very powerful acid mixture though somewhat diluted from corrosion of the body. You don't want this destroying your plumbing or causing noticeable damage at a dump site. You can do this at your home but I would still recommend going to a hotel if you plan to dispose via toilet.

Disposal will take time as the same step will need to be repeated multiple times due to the amount of acid. First you will need another large container. I tend to just purchase one additional tub. Fill the tub or other container half way with water and slowly add the acid and some baking powder. Do not simply pour water into the acid. This will cause more heat and possibly a volatile reaction. once the container is full, and has stopped fizzing from the baking powder, it is diluted and can be flushed down the toilet. Repeat this process until all of the containers are empty. Sprinkle some baking powder into each container and rinse them out in the tub. Throw the containers away or store them for re-use.